Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who did you vote for?

The 2012 Presidential Election is over and I wore my "I Voted" sticker proudly on Tuesday. I didn't have to worry about them running out because I was there at 7:00 a.m.  As much as I wanted to stay awake to see the results, it was past my bed time and I knew the world wouldn't end overnight. Don't worry though, when my dog decided to wake me up at 3:30 a.m. to let her out to potty, I was able to count on my Facebook friends to fill me in.  Without fail I saw who was happy, who was sad and who was down right mad. Hopefully, everyone will return to normal Facebook postings by the end of the week if they haven't already.

Keeping all political views aside, I couldn't help but notice how physically fit each candidate was.  I'm sure you're thinking, "They have people planning and cooking their meals, personal trainers on stand by and can't drive themselves to a drive-thru!". Okay, so maybe they do have a great deal of support but no matter what, they have to be the driven ones willing to sacrifice and be role models for our country.  We all have the ability to make smart choices when it comes to cooking and working out and can build a great support team of our own to help us get there but it takes time and dedication to make it happen. Some of you may be pros at this whole healthy lifestyle gig and if you are, I challenge you to motivate someone today to join your healthy train.

How do you know if you're on the healthy train or no where near the station? Think about how you feel each day. Are you low in energy or not motivated to do anything after getting off work? Maybe you run 20 miles a week but never thought about getting some upper body exercises in. I mean, it's not like we walk around on our hands all day to need the strength, right?

I recently found out about The President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition organization and if you have never visited their site, do it. It has been around for over 60 years and it's mission is to engage, educate, and empower all Americans to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and good nutrition. Am I the only one who didn't know about this?

No matter who you voted for and what you hope to see over the next four years, think about your health and what you will do to be a better you.  Start by taking the President's Challenge Adult Fitness Test which includes tests on:
Aerobic Fitness
Muscular Strength and Endurance
Body Composition

There is also a booklet that gives you guidelines on what the results mean and how to improve on them. No matter what, you need a support crew to get you to where you want to be. Think of your friends and family who would love to start moving and challenge them to a friendly work out or weight loss competition. It's always better with friends!

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